
Hephaestus Computational Framework


Hephaestus is a computational framework library to be used to find solutions to problems that require iterative time-based steps. Examples of problems like this are CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and weather-prediction models.

Since Hephaestus is only a framework, its standalone utility is minimal. It is designed to allow others to quickly create programs that can solve their particular problem, by allowing them to concentrate on the equations specific to their problem and not on the underlying work involved.

In the future, Hephaestus hopes to support grid generators and solver types, included static solvers and adaptive-mesh solvers.

Who/What is Hephaestus?

Hephaestus was the Greek god of fire, and especially of the blacksmith's fire. He was the patron god of craftsmen. More information about Hephaestus can be found on, or by doing a Google search.


Hephaestus (c) 2003 by Caleb Huitt. Some rights reserved.

The Hephaestus Computational Framework is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). This means that it is free for most uses. The main restriction is that if its source code is used as a library to create another program, than the people who receive that work must be able to get a newer (or older, if they like) version of Hephaestus and use it instead of the version that was included with the program. See the LICENSE file that should come with the distribution for more details.

For more licensing options, you may contact me.


Hephaestus is currently in its infancy. The Sourceforge CVS repository will give you an idea of where it stands right now, since no files have actually been released. Or go to the Sourceforge project page for Hephaestus.

For more information about the Hephaestus project, see the Sourceforge summary page. This page includes links to discussion groups, mailing lists, and bug/request submission and tracking forums.


The project is currently hosted by OSDN's Sourceforge. Logo
[Last update: 2003-02-26]